Losing your ability to hear can be a scary and stressful experience, especially when you do not know how severe the damage is until it is impossible to ignore.

Many people may go years with hearing problems without seeking help from medical professionals. Part of this may be because they are in denial of a problem. However, many individuals also do not even recognize the early signs of hearing loss. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, a majority of individuals mistake hearing loss symptoms for aloofness, mood swings or confusion.

Therefore, people should become more aware of common symptoms associated with hearing impairment so that they can seek professional help and treatment as soon as the problem develops. So, how do you know if you are experiencing hearing loss? Consider the to help determine whether your hearing should be checked.

Question 1: Do you hear buzzing after listening to music?

Millions of young people are at the risk of suffering from hearing loss because of excessive exposure to loud music. More and more young people are listening to music with earbuds, going to loud concerts and participating in other activities that make them susceptible to hearing loss.

When you experience buzzing or other noises in your ears after being exposed to music and sounds, it is your body’s way of telling you that your ears are negatively impacted by the loud noise. Ignoring these signs could put your hearing in jeopardy.

Question 2: Do you consistently mishear what people say?

Mishearing what people say is a normal occurrence. In many situations, a person may simply be speaking too quickly or unclearly. However, if you continuously find yourself asking others to repeat what they are saying, it could be a sign of hearing loss.

Question 3: Do you have difficulty hearing in noisy or crowded situations?

Conversing with multiple people in a crowded, noisy room can even be challenging for people with hearing aids. People with untreated hearing loss commonly struggle to interact when there is more than one person involved in the conversation. If the problem is so great you can’t maintain a conversation, then the noise level could be damaging your hearing or your hearing may already be impaired.

Question 4: Do you feel like something is trapped in your ear?

According to a report from the U.S. Library of Medicine, the feeling of pressure or fluid in your ear is a common sign of impairment. There could be fluid left behind from infections or it could be your ear’s way of saying something is wrong.

Question 5: Do you suffer from frequent ear infections or discomfort?

Pain in the ear is not normal. When individuals frequently suffer from ear infections or conditions like swimmer’s ear, these signs could actually mean you are about to develop hearing loss. Caring for the ear and avoiding conditions that make you more prone to infections are key to protection.