Hearing aid repair can be expensive. While most hearing aids come with warranties lasting between one and three years, these warranties don’t last forever and don’t cover certain maladies and accidents, like ruined hearings aids that fell in the toilet.

Catastrophic disasters might not be able to be remedied at home, but keeping a hearing aid cleaning and repair kit can empower hearing aid wearers to stay on top of maintenance that could prevent damage from everyday elements like heat, earwax, debris and moisture.

Build your own kit

A hearing aid cleaning and repair kit should include extra batteries, a portable dry-aid for hearing aids, an extra hearing aid cleaning brush and a battery remover. Furthermore, ensure you’re well equipped with the necessary accessory tools, including a listening tube, battery tester, forced air blower and a drying container for your hearing aids.

Cleaning your hearing aids

Cleaning your hearing aids is the most important part of your daily hearing aid maintenance routine. Check for dirt and grime, which can cause static or feedback. This usually happens when the hearing aids are not properly cleaned. To avoid build-up from clogging the microphone and sound ports of your hearing aids, it’s vital to clean the hearing device daily with hearing aids tools, such as a hearing aid cleaning brush, an ear hook, wax pick or wire loop or a multitool, which is a sort of “Swiss Army Knife” of hearing aid cleaning tools.

Troubleshooting hearing aid issues

Should your hearing aids begin to malfunction, knowing a few tips and tricks about your hearing aid could help you troubleshoot the issue.

For example, you should check the battery’s position and strength if the sound of the hearing aid is weak or completely gone. If the battery checks out okay, make sure the volume is set to an appropriate level.

If the hearing aid is producing feedback, turn the volume of the device down. Excessively high volume creates a whistling or squealing noise.

Replace the battery altogether if the hearing aid emits a distorted or inconsistent sound.

Talk to your hearing care professional

Keep in mind that hearing aids require professional maintenance twice a year. Consider contacting your hearing healthcare professional if daily cleaning and constant maintenance doesn’t solve any issues you may be experiencing with your hearing aids.