If you are experiencing hearing loss, the chances are that several aspects of your life are impacted by your condition. And, using a hearing aid can help you restore your quality of life, as well as make the most of your everyday activities, social interactions and professional life.

However, if you are just now approaching hearing aids for the first time, or you have noticed your hearing decline after wearing a hearing device, you might be wondering whether these devices are actually safe and beneficial for your hearing.

This guide can help you put all of your doubts to rest!

Does Using a Hearing Aid Weaken Your Hearing? Let’s Address This Major Concern

One of the major concerns for people needing or wearing hearing aids is that they might become dependent on their devices. Or, that using hearing aids can somehow make their hearing weaker or lazier.

Luckily, this is simply not the case!

In fact, studies have seen that a loss of hearing can prevent sounds from reaching the brain, thus atrophying healthy and essential brain connections. In turn, delaying getting a hearing aid after you have noticed that your hearing is declining can worsen your hearing and your overall health – not the opposite!

The Benefits of Hearing Aids for Your Overall Health

Hearing aids can have many benefits. Some of these are localized to your hearing, but many will affect your overall health and well-being! Check out some of the greatest benefits of using a hearing aid below or contact a specialized audiologist at Desert Hearing Care to learn more about what to expect.

Hearing Aids Can Prevent Further Hearing Loss

As we have seen above, hearing aids prevent the further loss of hearing by ensuring that sounds reach the brain and produce a stimulation of the auditory cortex. This process keeps healthy brain connections alive, thus reducing the chances of you experiencing declining hearing health.

Nonetheless, it is important to keep in mind that your hearing might naturally decline with age or if you are constantly exposed to loud noises. Your audiologist will be able to better understand what to expect.

Hearing Aids Can Reduce the Risk of Developing Other Health Conditions

If you have started to notice that you are struggling to follow conversations, understand others in noisy areas or listen to the TV at the same volume you are used to, you might want to schedule an appointment with your audiologist.

Failing to do so can cause your brain to fill in the gaps in the conversations and words you are not able to hear. And, this coping mechanism can further damage your hearing and cognitive functions. That is also why uncontrolled hearing loss is estimated to account for eight percent of dementia cases.

Hearing Aids Can Support Your Mental Health and Social Life

If your hearing has been declining, you might not feel at ease in social situations and circumstances. In turn, this can lead to declining behavior, including isolation and turning down invitations from friends and family members.

In the long run, this can trigger severe mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. Getting your hearing aid can restore your hearing functionalities and help you return to enjoying all aspects of your daily life – in social situations, in the workplace and in your personal relationships alike!

Avoiding the Risks Connected to Hearing Aids

As we have seen above, when wearing a hearing aid, you won’t have to worry that your device might cause your natural hearing to decline or get weaker. However, there are some risks of wearing hearing aids that you might discuss with your audiologist.

For example, if your hearing aids are not properly set up, you might not be able to distinguish voices from the background noise. And, if worn incorrectly, hearing aids can interfere with each other and affect your hearing capabilities.

What’s more, if they are not properly cleaned and regularly maintained, hearing aids can be clogged by build-ups of earwax and grime. This, in turn, can lead to hearing infections and inflammation, which might worsen your hearing if not immediately addressed.

Make sure to speak to your audiologist to understand what to expect and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Work With an Audiologist to Learn How to Safely Use Your Hearing Aid

Hearing aids are powerful tools that allow you to hear normally and restore your quality of life. However, every person is unique, and you should not overlook the importance of consulting an experienced audiologist at Desert Hearing Care. By scheduling your initial appointment, you’ll gain access to endless resources about caring for, maintaining and using your hearing aids. Get in touch with our team today by calling us today at (480) 374-1846.

Tags: faqs, hearing aid basics, hearing aid tips