While you may not know what to expect during a hearing test, it's an evaluation that you need to have performed if you're experiencing hearing problems. A hearing test is a painless and non-invasive evaluation, but you'll likely have multiple questions before your first appointment. Your audiologist should be able to make sure that you feel comfortable and ready for your test before it begins, and while you may feel like some of the questions that you have sound silly, you must always ask your questions so that you can feel reassured.

A hearing test is necessary if you have any degree of hearing loss or you are beginning to notice that you are struggling with everyday situations and conversations. Booking an appointment with an audiologist could be the best thing that you do, and with that in mind, let's take a look at some of the frequently asked questions that come with your hearing test.

How do I prepare for my hearing test?

As with any medical appointment, there's always a question of preparation. With a hearing test, there is not much that you need to do. Your audiologist is going to do all of the work for you, and while you can bring any medication that you are taking that could affect your hearing, you should write down a list of questions that are worth asking. These included! If there are any issues in your medical history or the history of your family that you feel are relevant, make sure that you write these down and pass the information along to your audiologist.

How long does a hearing test take?

Your health should be a priority for you, and this includes your hearing. If your eyesight were failing, you'd get an eye test and glasses. A hearing test is no different. Thankfully, a hearing test is not an inconvenience due to the fact it doesn't need to take up much of your time. A full hearing test takes around an hour from start to finish, and while the time it takes can be a convenient way to wriggle out of getting your test done, you do need to fit it in. Once the tests are over, you will need to sit down for your results with your audiologist so that you can talk through your next steps. That's a big positive: results are available instantly.

Would my hearing test hurt?

This is the prime reason people won't go to a doctor to ask for help: believing that it will hurt. However, there is no need to worry because hearing tests are non-invasive. An instrument called an otoscope will be used to examine your ears, and your audiologist will also carry out an exam called a tympanometry test. This uses a tympanometer inside the ear to test how well your ears work. You may also have a test where you will wear headphones and listen to sound at different tones, pitches and volumes. This can help your audiologist to ascertain your level of hearing ability.

What will my results say?

All of your results are plotted on an audiogram. An audiogram is a graph that will chart all of the sounds that you hear and at which frequencies. Your audiologist will sit you down and talk you through the results. From here, you will be told whether you have any loss of hearing and to what extent. This is the moment you and your audiologist can discuss how you can get some help for your hearing loss. Knowing what comes next is essential, as you can then move forward and into a life with better hearing. You can ask your audiologist as many questions as you need; they will be more than happy to talk you through it all.

Will I need hearing aids?

It's possible. Depending on the results, you may be advised that hearing aids are the best thing for you. Not everyone who has a hearing test will need hearing aids, and if your audiologist finds a physical obstruction in your ears, they will treat you to remove the obstruction.

If you want to learn more about Desert Hearing Care and how to book yourself a hearing test, you can reach one of our experts at (480) 374-1846. We will be able to assist you with your hearing needs, and our expert audiologist is on hand to answer all of the questions that you have.